In the last magazine, the film One Life, had moved me to tears. Shortly
afterwards I was reading something in my daily devotions which contained the line,
“You place a reservoir within my heart that all my tears may come from a different
place.” That theme of tears was to continue throughout the month when I
attended “Health Matters to God.”
Bishopbriggs Churches Together (BCT)
In June last year BCT organised an event, “Health Matters to GOD” which looked
at issues relating to the challenges facing those in the health and care sectors to
see what, if anything, our local churches could do to help. In early January, this year,
another event was held, “The Cost of Living Matters to GOD” which looked at the
principle of basic income, local Foodbank operations and debt advice provision by
Christians Against Poverty (CAP) by Kirkintilloch Baptist Church. At this recent
session we heard from Emma Wilson ([email protected]), the
Foodbank Inclusion Officer from East Dunbartonshire Council of how 5000 parcels
were provided in 2023 from the 4 centres in Kirkintilloch, Milngavie, Lennoxtown
and Colston Wellpark. This operation involves 5 part time staff and 80 volunteers.
The staff and volunteers listen and signpost people who come to our Foodbanks to
other services such as the Citizens Advice Bureau, CAP and Welfare Rights
organisations. During the period of 2023/24 there was a 14% increase in food packs
(3days of food supplies) being issued to help 8234 adults and 4311 children. Most
of the stock issued comes from local supermarkets, but increasingly the Foodbanks
are having to buy in extra food to meet the demand. Listening to the speakers was
shocking – this scandal exists on our doorstep. I found myself moved to tears by
some of the stories that were shared with us. Of those who attend the Foodbank at
Colston Wellpark, 50% of those seeking help come from our own Parish, mostly from
Auchinairn. At the end of the evening, we were asked what we could do as individuals
and as churches.
So my question to you is, can you help? The Foodbank at Colston Wellpark needs
additional volunteers, donations, and people who would also be prepared to be
trained by CAP to help those who rely on Foodbank support to move from this
dreadful situation in a more positive one of self-sufficiency. So, what am I asking
you to do?
Can you:
• Volunteer at the Foodbank to help distribute parcels;
• Continue to donate goods when you do your shopping at your local
supermarket by placing items in their donations trolleys/ or drop off
directly at Colston Wellpark goods or cash donations.
• Sign the GUARANTEE OUR ESSENTIALS petition run by The Trussell
Trust (;
• Pray for those reliant upon Foodbanks.
• Train with CAP as a volunteer to help the referral process as Colston
If you would like to know more or if you can help in any way please speak to Ian or
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association UK (BGEA) June 6 2024 6pm OVO Hydro
Some of us may remember the Billy Graham event held on 4th. June 1991 at Celtic
Park. Others may remember the earlier event held in 1955 at the Kelvin Hall. In
June this year Billy Graham’s son, Franklin will return to Glasgow and host an event
at the OVO Hydro. This opportunity will allow us to introduce Our Friends,
Neighbours, Family to JESUS CHRIST. Will you join by getting involved:
• Join the 3:16 Prayer Team;
• Attend a Christian Life and Witness Course;
• Participate in I Am Andrew Sunday;
• Invite loved one – or serve as a group coordinator and bring your friends – to
the God Loves You Tour event above?
“For God so Loved…” John 3:16
More information can also be found at: GODLOVESYOUTOUR.ORG.UK.
If you would like to know more speak to Ian or Julie.
In drawing your attention to these two items, you may be wondering why I am
doing this? As you will be aware the Church of Scotland is currently engaging in a
significant reduction programme of personnel and buildings called Presbytery
Mission Planning. The effect of this will lead to fewer Ministers and other personnel
and buildings throughout Scotland. Church as we know it is changing and the future
is uncertain, although our faith in the constancy of God is undiminished.
Congregations who will survive into the future will be subjectively assessed by
criteria based on what are known as the Five Marks of Mission.
The Five Marks of Mission are:
1. To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom;
2. To teach, baptise and nurture new believers;
3. To respond to human need by loving service;
4. To seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of
every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation;
5. To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the
life of the earth.
Ventures such as those above and our engagement with issues like them will be
seen as evidence of our engagement with the Five Marks of Mission. In thinking
about these marks, I wonder if you have heard of the 80/20 rule in Church life?
Only about 20% of the people are going to do more than just come to worship.
They do everything for the other 80%. This rule originated in 1895 when an Italian
economist named Vilfredo Pareto recognised that 80% of the land was owned by
20% of the people. This led other social scientists to notice similar patterns
across the society, and the Pareto principle, or 80/20 rule, was born. However, in
Church practice this principle presents a few problems. Firstly, Jesus didn’t take
2.4 of his disciples and begin his ministry and mission with 20%, he worked with all
12 of them. A church with 20% doing the work may be typical but it is not
representative of the early Church found in Acts 2. The church then was more
communal, and everyone was expected to help as they could. Secondly, this leads
to burn out for members – if only 20% are doing all the work, then their capacity is
often time limited. Thirdly, one person takes on all the work, and then the work
becomes trapped in what we love in the church, a small committee. This limits
rather than empowers.
How amid all the changes and challenges confronting us can we frame our actions not
on the work of a few but as something the entire church is helping with? Perhaps we
coordinate the work and invite those from our wider community to join us. People
can then feel less like those carrying the responsibility and more like leaders
involved in the work with others collectively. When the task is ended people are more
likely to begin again. It is life-giving to feel as though you are contributing to the
whole. It is exhausting to feel that something will not happen without you.
Is it time to stop being satisfied with 80/20 rule. We should be thinking 100% –
everyone in – and shaping our ministry to match that.
So, in closing I ask you to consider carefully and prayerfully if you can help in any
way with the 80/20 rule here at Springfield Cambridge.