Category: A word from our Minister

“Have no fear, for I have redeemed you”

Well, we are here again at the start of another New Year. I hope you have had a Happy Christmas and I wish you all a good New Year. Over the festive period I watched a TV programme about Rikki Fulton, the Scottish comedian and actor who portrayed the fictional Kirk Minister, Rev. I. M. […]

In this season of Advent

At the recent November meeting of our Presbytery, one of my colleagues began the evening by addressing Presbytery on the occasion of her demission from Parish Ministry. 5 years of meetings leading to multiple unions and readjustments precipitated by the Church’s Mission Planning processes, have left her exhausted and broken, after one too many acrimonious […]

What summer I hear some of you say!

Summer seems to be drawing to a close and autumn seems only around the corner as I write this article. What summer I hear some of you say! During my own summer holiday in Perthshire, I read a few books (not as many as I sometimes do) and one of them was called SOMEHOW (Thoughts […]

Tour Buses

Julie, our Probationer took her leave of us on Sunday 28th. April, 2024 after 22 months with us. She continues to work with the training Team at the Church offices at 121 George Street in Edinburgh working specifically with other students in training for ministry and also now 2 days a week at Lenzie Old […]

Health Matters to GOD

In the last magazine, the film One Life, had moved me to tears. Shortly afterwards I was reading something in my daily devotions which contained the line, “You place a reservoir within my heart that all my tears may come from a different place.” That theme of tears was to continue throughout the month when […]

One Life

Entering another New Year, for many provokes a period of personal reflection. How was last year – was it a good one, or were you glad to see the back of it? How does this year, 2024, look for you? Will it be brighter or better than last year, or does the future look less […]

Chain Reactions

At the meeting of the Presbytery of Glasgow on 12/09/23, my nomination as the Business Committee Convener was confirmed. The reaction to this news has been fascinating to me. But before I turn to that, let me explain what this new role will involve for me. Currently the Business Committee is responsible for: • ordering […]

The June meeting of the Presbytery of Glasgow at which our Mission Plan was FINALLY approved was not without some tense moments. Feeling and emotions were high and tension was palpable at times. I was conscious that whilst it is wise to cool down excitement and speak your mind, that is not always easy to […]

A weight (wait) of expectations

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” (Charles […]

Pilgrim Way

At the end of last month I took the train from Glasgow to Birmingham to visit Beth and attend a concert with her in the splendid Symphony Hall. Before the ‘gig’ there was a short VIP sound check and a ‘meet and greet’ with the performer KT Tunstall. A fellow Glaswegian asked her about the […]