
  • Mission Partner, Muriel Pearson – Update

    Please find below an updated letter from our Mission Partner, Muriel Pearson for your information and prayers. You can also view this as a PDF file. Muriel Pearson Letter 0225

  • EDC City Deal Consultation



    East Dunbartonshire Council City Deal are holding a public drop-in consultation on the latest proposals for the Westerhill Development Road on Monday 10th February between 4.00 and 7.00 pm in the War Memorial Hall, Bishopbriggs.


    Message from the Minister:
    In light of the red weather warning issued today for tomorrow, 24th January 2025, I have advised the staff that our buildings will closed tomorrow during the day to safeguard their well being. This is in line with the guidance being issued by many local government and transport agencies.

  • Sunday School creating some water into wine crafts last Sunday.

















  • The service of induction for Rev Edson Duque

    Here is the link with details about the service of induction for Rev Edson Duque into his new charge of Aberdeen Hillside Parish Church tomorrow evening.


  • Congratulations on your Golden Wedding Anniversary

    Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary to Alison & Stewart Campbell on Saturday 7th December 2024.
    Congratulations from all the congregation.
    Enjoy your special day!

    Alison & Stewart

  • Fundraising Group Advent Hamper Winner

    Congratulations to Irene Harley on winning the Advent Hamper.
    Enjoy opening your daily gifts until Christmas!

  • New Elders Ordination

    Congratulations to our new Elders who were Ordained on Sunday 17th November 2024.

    Pictured here with our Minister, Rev. Ian Taylor and joint Session Clerks, Christine Faichnie and Joyce Watchorn is Hazel Wilson, Catherine Whitley, Jim Smillie, Fiona Smillie and Eric Cumming.

  • Remembrance Sunday

    The church was beautifully decorated for Remembrance Sunday 10th November 2024. Thanks to all involved.

    We had members attend the Service at Auchinairn War Memorial.

  • Guild News

    Springfield Cambridge Guild celebrated their 95th anniversary on Monday 21st October 2024 with a social afternoon.
    We had a celebratory cake to mark the occasion. Here is a photograph of our oldest member (who is also our pianist) Margaret Smith cutting the cake and another with Margaret flanked by our other nonagenarian members.  L- R Mary, Jan, Margaret, Edna and May.
    We had a joyful afternoon of celebration.

    Margaret with 95th cake
    90+ year olds with 95th cake















    The Guild held their annual Coffee Morning on Saturday 26th October which raised the total sum of £1145.90 including £116 for the Projects from the Martha Table.  This was an excellent result and the committee would like to thank all who attended, assisted and/or donated to support this event.

    The Pamper Basket prizes were won by

    1st Irene Smillie (seen here with her prize)

    2nd Marjory Tweedie

    3rd Ellen Robertson

    4th Fiona Smellie